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Organization Building through Executive Search

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The business problem defines the candidate

What business problem are you solving? These are the specifications that define who you're going to hire.

Your company performance, this year and every year thereafter will be determined by your human capital selection. With the right people on board things keep getting better. With the wrong people, things keep getting worse, to quote the infamous CEO, GE Jack Welch. Every problem we're dealing with today can be traced to a person that at one time was hired as a solution. Why didn't it work out, or why is it working out? It's always about selection.

People move your business goals forward. Once the best people are identified and a successful case for career change is made, change can begin. Growth and performance can resume. Through the talent of great people, high performing companies are built.

  • Search will find quality candidates in markets where where good candidates are not easily available. 

  • Selection determines performance outcomes. Make better hiring selection decisions.

  • Reduces hiring failure with better fit decisions.

  • Focus on pre-hire evaluating of candidates.

  • Partners work client side during hiring

  • Achieve critical culture fit. Select for your firm's culture, history, brand and future.

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Selection based on performance.

  • Performance required.
    Agree on the primary KPIs for the position.

  • Performance turned in.
    Identify what the candidate has produced in past.

  • Assess the gap between the two.
    Can this deliver the requirements or close the gap between past performance and future required performance



Performance coaching foundation

  • Redirect and focus everyone

  • Smooth out problem behaviour

  • Build morale and productivity

  • Give better feedback

  • Increase retention

  • Build compliance and cooperation




Selecting the right person will transform one workunit or one organization. You can actually build an effective company, one person at a time.


‹Metrik Management Inc.

2227 St John's St.

Third floor, Perry Roe Professional Bldg.

Port Moody, B.C.






That's how you strike winning teams! Let us take you on a new way to design your company. Let's brainstorm the best talent, those who can take you to your goals. Now let's go out and find that talent. Suddenly your company looks different!


Our clients involve us in human resource, management and hiring projects. You can't manage for results, but you can manage the activities leading up to results. Only people can lead you to those results. When we get the right people into the right roles, we're also changing the results.


Developing any organization happens on three fronts.

  1. Select the correct people. "Get the right people on the bus . . . " (Collins)

  2. Develop and coach those people.

  3. Take corrective remedial action. Replace when you have to.


We'll provide,

  • People capable of managing for productivity.

  • People who have the capability to do what you need done.

  • We make hiring and selection decisions.

  • Human resources tied to your P&L.

  • Arrange your key manager group and implement KPIs.

  • Psychometric traits and behaviour testing.

  • Employee opinion surveys, 360's, feedback forums.

  • Pre-hiring, past employement verification.

Metrik Management Inc.

Vancouver, British Columbia

Search, Build, Change

Hire those you chose. Not those who applied.

The problem in the recruiting process


  • America's Cup, World Series  - the crew did not apply for the position. They were chosen. Hand picked.

    Most companies hire people applying for a position, the job seekers, those who read career ads. America's Cup champions hand pick their crew. It's the only way to compete at the highest levels of industry. All world class teams are chosen. 

  • Executive search doesn't ask for candidates.  We decide who could do the job, then we speak to them. Our research tells us who could do the  job, who could fix your issues, who could take you to the next level, - then we approach them.

  • The employed market of candididates is one thousand times larger the job seeker market.  Every position can be filled if you have access to the employed market.

  • All positions can be filled when we look at the employed market. Said this way, you've probably met a few people in your industry who really could change your company.

Executive search

Retained search. Executive, management, professions, sales executive.

  • Research, locate, and negotiate the right talents into your company. The deliberate collection of star talent to move your company towards its goals.

  • We provide senior level management and sales executive search and assessment. Accross Canada and the USA, we advise our clients how to build corporate and organizational strength and mitigate the risks associated with selecting talent.

  • The network. We leverage our network contacts of over 10,000 managers and executives in Western Canada. A reach cultivated over two decades of helping managers and corporations.

  • Our management history is applied to identifying the strategic and character strengths our clients require. Culture assessments, for both clients and candidates form an integral part of the candidate choice.

  • More about executive search, headhunting, as an executive solution . . .

Best Practices for Managers

Category: Personal effectiveness / multi-tasking

Monotasking is the new multi-tasking.

Not long ago, people would drive and talk on their cel phones. That was bad. Today people text while driving. That’s worse.  Every day I’m behind someone who’s not responding to a green light or not keeping up with traffic. I don’t remember it being this bad when it was legal to use your cel phone and drive. The law may have taken us from bad, to worse.

Interactive navigation systems in auto dashboards? At 50klms, touchscreen “pizza” and hit “current location.”  By multi tasking you can order pizza, drive and maybe crash all in the same day. But it’s all good because you’re not talking on your phone and driving. 

Category: BC labour market planning

The Flo's Diner Problem

When the unemployment rate drops, the “A” talent migrates to the “A” employers.


All creativity, marketing, management and productivity genius aside much of business is driven by demographics, GDP, and the larger picture. Some people succeed just because of geography and birth date. Right now all of BC business is caught up in a larger wave, - the shrinking available candidate market.

Category: Behavioral economics/ four levels of competence

Chicken Little may be writing the news. Old information presented in apocalyptic ways, that was Chicken Little’s “the sky is falling” angle. Apparently we haven’t heard enough about aging, global warming, pipelines, obesity, homelessness, cancer, government corruption, tax loop holes, banking fees, and you can’t believe everything on the internet. Who knew! (cont'd.)


Category: Final stage hiring

Looking ahead, the unemployment rate for the person you want is going to be zero. Why? - because perfect people tend to be working! Boomers are retiring, and immigrant workers aren't always bringing the right skills. Now and for the next ten years, we'll all be lucky to find enough people to staff our companies. When you do find someone, - don't lose them.  (cont'd.)

Category: Management system vs heroes

Looking ahead, the unemployment rate for the person you want is going to be zero. Why? - because perfect people tend to be working! Boomers are retiring, and immigrant workers aren't always bringing the right skills. Now and for the next ten years, we'll all be lucky to find enough people to staff our companies. When you do find someone, - don't lose them.  (cont'd.)

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